(Apologies for the title above.)
I got so annoyed at having to go to the GameCam forums to read again on how to record audio using the software everytime I install a new version that I decided to make this. This post serves as a handy guide for senile ol' me.
Can't record video game audio with GameCam? The solution is simple:
1. Make sure you have a registered version. The free GameCam version can't record audio.
2. Make sure you have selected the correct recording device in the Windows Recording Control interface.
To do this:
1. Press Windows + R. (Or got to Start > Run.)
2. Type "sndvol32.exe /record" without the quotes.
3. On the screen that pops up, make sure "Stereo Mix" is selected. Leave the volume slider alone.
4. Run GameCam. Run your favorite game. When both are running, press F1 and under the "Audio" tab (in GameCam, not the game), check to see if the "Default Recording Device" is selected.
5. Record. (Default GameCam hotkey: HOME)
6. See if it works. If the video produces scratchy/distorted sound, go back to Step 2 and see if the volume slider is too high.
I hope this works for you. Kudos goes out to TommyBoy, Site Admistrator of the GameCam forums, for posting a similar guide (albeit without the pictures).
Here's a video I've made using the software (Area 51 freeware single- and multiplayer shooter game on Hard mode):
>>>Click here to