Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tweakforce Releases Xtreme-G 305.68, an "All OS" Driver

Tweakforce has released Xtreme-G 305.68, a tweaked GeForce driver. What's peculiar about this release is that it has a version for each and every Windows OS starting with XP, something that Semp (the owner of the site) hasn't done in a long time.

This driver gave me a performance boost in a Lightsmark 2008 benchmark run. Also, it's a boon for Darksiders 2 players looking for an antialiasing fix as the Darksiders 2 3D profile in this driver works---enabling FXAA smooths out all the jagged edges in the game (as of August 28 4am GMT+8 THQ has yet to fix this).

You can see the latest benchmark results and the link after the jump.

>>Get the tweaked Nvidia driver HERE. 

>>Click HERE for the latest GeForce video drivers benchmark results